Sunday, June 9, 2024

Praise for YaHuaH

 YaHuaH I praise You for You are The Most High,
You have been The One who answered me when I called out to You,
And You have helped me with learning The Ten Commandments,
As well as explaining me that your spirit sleeps after you die,
You are The Alpha and The Omega,
The beginning of it all and The End,
Your Glory is never ending and majestic,
I shall always bow to You when I need to,
I am proud to be in service with You YaHuaH,
I hope I may see you in a vision sometime again,
Bless You for everything that You have done for me,
YaHuaH You are The mightiest and most powerfull One,
I love You and thank You for being there for me,

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Praise for YaHuaH

 YaHuaH I praise You as The God of The Sabbath, As the King of Righteousness, And The King over all the Earth, You are my Fortress, My stron...