YaHuaH I praise You as The God of The Sabbath,
As the King of Righteousness,
And The King over all the Earth,
You are my Fortress,
My strong Rock in dark times,
I am Your servant my Master,
You are my High Tower,
The One Shepherd that looks after His sheep,
My strength and my song, which gives me a joyfull feeling,
Thank You for everything that You have done for me,
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Praise for YaHuaH
Monday, June 10, 2024
Praise for YaHuaH
YaHuaH I praise You with all my heart and blessings,
What You have done for me is unbelievable,
After searching year after year for the true name of God,
I finaly found the Besorah online and came upon the name YaHuaH,
I knew immediately that I had found the name of the God that created Adam and Eve,
YaHuaH Elohim of hosts You have been so helpfull to me,
Telling me what I needed to do to get my faith in good order,
And after I placed myself in service with You,
and You gave me the task of observing the street and the air aswell as the clouds,
You also explained to me what was needed for good faith :
Obedience of The Law (Torah) and The Ten Commandments and to set-apart the Shabbat and to not work on that day and praise YaHuaH during that entire day by reading scripture and giving Him praises,
You have really given me a reason to keep the faith alive inside of me,
And You told me You have been there for me several times in my life before I knew Your Name,
I want to thank You for forgiving me most of my sins that I have confessed,
And I love the time that I have had the honour of being with You personally,
I hope it was no the last time that I may have the privilige of being with You,
And then ofcourse I will bow to my Master
Thank You YaHuaH for giving me the fire of faith inside,
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Praise for YaHuaH
YaHuaH I praise You for You are The Most High,
You are the faithfull God,
The Glorious Allmighty God YaHuaH,
You are The One that formed all things in 6 days and rested on the 7th day and set it apart,
You are The Holy One and The One who is Just,
You are The Eternal King of Kings,
You are mighty in battle,
You are righteous and always true to the truth,
I am a sheep and You are my shepherd,
You are The Great Shepherd of all the sheep,
You give me strength when I need it,
You are The One that helps me when I need it the most,
You are The Allmighty God that is my saviour,
You are The Uncorruptable Allmighty God YaHuaH,
Bless You YaHuaH whereever you dwell in The heavens,
You are The Allmighty God YaHuaH which my soul loves,
You are The Possesor of Heaven and Earth,
You are The Allmighty God YaHuaH who gave us The Torah and The Ten commandments,
You are The Mercifull Allmighty God YaHuaH,
You are The Most Mightiest and The Most Powerfull,
You are my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble,
You are my hope in the day of evil,
You are The Rock that helps me through dark and difficult times,
You are The Allmighty God of the holy prophets,
You are Tha Allmighty God that was, is, and always shall be,
You are The Judge of all the Earth,
You are The One that comforts me and I thank You for that YaHuaH,
Praise for YaHuaH
YaHuaH I praise You for You are The Most High,
You have been The One who answered me when I called out to You,
And You have helped me with learning The Ten Commandments,
As well as explaining me that your spirit sleeps after you die,
You are The Alpha and The Omega,
The beginning of it all and The End,
Your Glory is never ending and majestic,
I shall always bow to You when I need to,
I am proud to be in service with You YaHuaH,
I hope I may see you in a vision sometime again,
Bless You for everything that You have done for me,
YaHuaH You are The mightiest and most powerfull One,
I love You and thank You for being there for me,
Friday, June 7, 2024
Praise for YaHuaH
YaHuaH I praise You for You are The One that answered me in my days of distress,
You ,O YaHuaH , are The One that daily bears our burden,
You are The One who gives rain upon ther Earth,
You are The One who gives food to all flesh,
You are The One who gave me richly all things to enjoy,
You are The One that alone works miracles,
You are The One who commanded The Light to shine out of darkness,
You are The One who is higher than the most highest,
You are The One who has established all the ends of the Earth,
You are The One who has gathered the wind in His fists,
You are The One who has done the greatest of things,
You are The One who is rich in mercy,
You are The One who is worthy to be praised,
You are The One that shall establish me and keep me from doing evil,
You are The One who takes vengeance,
You are The Beginning and The Ending,
You are The Holy One who is Blessed for eternity,
You are The One who is in the midst of all of us,
You are The One who will help me when I need help,
You are the only wise GOD YaHuaH our Saviour,
You are The Rock that is higher than I am for help in dark times,
You are The Uncorruptable GOD YaHuaH,
You are The One which my soul loves, YaHuaH.
Praise to YaHuaH
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Prayer to praise YaHuaH
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Prayer to praise YaHuaH
Praise for YaHuaH
YaHuaH I praise You as The God of The Sabbath, As the King of Righteousness, And The King over all the Earth, You are my Fortress, My stron...
YaHuaH Elohim of hosts , You made a world with no sickness, pain or death but, because of sin, they affect everyone in the world. I can not...
YaHuaH I praise You as The God of The Sabbath, As the King of Righteousness, And The King over all the Earth, You are my Fortress, My stron...
YaHuaH Elohim of hosts, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. Let me fear no mere mortal or be intim...